通过i-bus EIB/KNX智能建筑控制系统用于布达拉宫景观照明的实际工程案例,介绍景观照明光源、灯具的选择、布置、监控,智能控制系统与其它建筑设备的集成与联动、系统运行状态的记录功能、灵活的管理功能,最后总结了i-bus产品在本项目中的应用特点。
Through the introduction of the engineering example--the application of i-bus EIB/ KNX intelligent building control system in the landscape lighting of Potala Palace, following contents are described, including the selection, arrangement and monitoring of the light sources and luminaires for landscape lighting, the integration and linkage of intelligent buihting control system with other building equipments, the recording function of the system operation conditions and the flexible management function. The features of i-bus products applied in this project are summarized in the last part.
Building Electricity