主要对影响芹菜纸成型的因素:温度,增稠剂的选择、添加量等做了初步探讨,并且通过正交试验对芹菜纸形食品在成形中基料的选择及调味料调配影响进行了研究。结果表明:温度55℃,增稠剂CMC-Na用量0.7%时芹菜纸的成型效果最佳;在30克芹菜泥中加入面粉0.4 g、鸡精0.45 g、盐0.6 g、胡椒粉0.06 g口感最佳。
It mostly discussed the influence of the factors which are temperature, choice and append capacity of the thickeners and so on to molding of celery paper. Study the choice of radicel material and the influence of flavoring to food shape of celery paper by orthogonal examination. The result showed that shape of celery paper is best when temperature is 55℃, content of CMC-Na is 0.7%; The final proportion of celery paper is celeng 30g, flour 0.4 g, chicken extract 0.45 g, salt 0.6 g, pepper0.06 g.
The Food Industry