

Distribution of Diffraction Field of an Axicon Illuminated Asymmetrically by Gaussian Beam
摘要 采用光的干涉方法研究了高斯光束非对称照明锥镜时的衍射场分布。数值模拟结果发现,当光束中心偏离锥镜的轴线时,衍射场的分布不再呈对称状分布,尤其在相干区。照明光束的偏离量越大,衍射光斑偏离锥镜的轴线越多。衍射光斑的平均光强随照明光束偏离量的增加迅速减小。这些结果对于锥镜在光镊和光学元件的机械排列等应用中具有一定的指导意义。 The interferential theory of optics is employed to analyze the distribution of the diffraction field of an axicon illuminated asymmetrically by the Gaussian beam. The numerical simulation results show that when the center of the beam deviates the axis of the axicon, the distribution of the diffraction field doesn't take on sylmnetry any more, especially in cross region. The more the value of the deviation is, the more the diffraction spot deviates the axis of the axicon. With the increase of the deviation, the average intensity of the diffraction spot decreases rapidly. These results are useful to some applications, such as mechanical alignment of axicon in optical tweezers and optical elements in optical equipments.
出处 《光学与光电技术》 2008年第4期4-6,共3页 Optics & Optoelectronic Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金(60777005)资助项目
关键词 干涉 锥镜 偏离量 光强分布 interference axicon deviation intensity distribution
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