
广东省育龄残疾妇女生育及生殖健康调查 被引量:4

Survey on the Procreation and Procreative Health of Childbearing Disabled Women in Guangdong Province
摘要 目的探索如何改善育龄残疾妇女生殖健康的方法,做好计划生育、优生优育。方法采用多阶段分层整群抽样法抽样,进行问卷调查及小组访谈,收集量化数据分析残疾妇女的婚姻、生育、生殖健康及对生殖健康相关知识的了解等。结果收回有效调查问卷4380份,其中已婚者占62.33%;已生育的3005人中生育1个子女的占45.49%,2个子女的占45.49%,3个或3个以上子女的占8.95%;否认患过生殖道感染的占46.54%;曾接受过妇科检查的占63.19%;采取避孕措施的占63.17%;有过避孕失败的占29.70%;能说出3种避孕方法的占50.24%;能说出艾滋病的3种感染途径的占37.39%。结论育龄残疾妇女在计划生育、生殖健康及对生殖健康相关知识的了解等方面与正常育龄妇女相比,仍存在一定的差距。 Objective To investigate the methods how to improve condition of procreative health of childbearing disabled women for planned parenthood and good procreation and good education.Methods The method of whole flock sampling of many stages and many layers were taken and the questionnaire and group interview were performed to collect the data of quantity and analyze the affect factors of disabled women about their marriage,procreation,procreative health,and knowledge about procreative health.Results There were 4 380 cases of validity questionnaire.62.33% of them married.In 3 005 procreated women,45.49% had one baby,45.49% had two babies and 8.95% had three babies or more.46.54% of them denied that they had infection of reproductive system.63.19% of them had been examined in department of gynecology.63.17% of them took birth control measure.29.70% of them were lost in taking birth control measure.50.24% of them could say three methods of birth control.37.39% of them could say three ways about AIDS infection.Conclusion Childbearing disabled women have some troubles in birth control,procreative health,and their knowledge about procreative health.
出处 《中国康复理论与实践》 CSCD 2008年第8期788-790,共3页 Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Theory and Practice
关键词 育龄 残疾妇女 生育 生殖健康 childbearing age disabled women fertility procreative health
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