入侵检测(Intrusion Detection),顾名思义,即是对入侵行为的发觉。它在计算机网络或计算机系统中的若干关键点收集信息,通过对这些信息的分析来发现网络或系统中是否有违反安全策略的行为和被攻击的迹象。进行入侵检测的软件与硬件的组合便是入侵检测系(Intrusion Detection System,简称IDS)。与其他安全产品不同的是,入侵检测系统需要更多的智能,它必须能将得到的数据进行分析,并得出有用的结果。
Intrusion Detection (Intrusion Detection), as its name suggests, that is, the invasion of that. Its computer network or computer systems in a number of key points to collect information, through the analysis of such information to identify the network or system whether there is a breach of security policy and the conduct of the signs of being attacked. For intrusion detection software and hardware combination is the Intrusion Detection System (Intrusion Detection System, called IDS). And other security products different is that the intrusion detection system needs more intelligence, it must be able to get the data for analysis and draw useful results.
LI Peng-cheng (Gaoyou Radio and Television Situation,Yangzhou 225600,China)
Computer Knowledge and Technology