4佛朗哥·阿斯卡尼(Franco Ascani), 1999,《奥运和电影》(Olympic Games and the Cinema),摘自 International Olympic Academy Report of the Thirty-Seventh Session, IOC and IOA jointly published, p.94.
5艾德里安·梅特卡夫(Adrian Metcalfe) ,1997,《奥林匹克运动会和活动的画面》(The Olympic Games and the Moving Image),摘自 Report on the I.O.A.'s Special Sessions and Seminars 1997 ANCIENT OLYMPIA, IOC and IOA jointly published, p.166.
6艾瑞克·伯格为(Erik Bergvall)(eds.) , 1913,《1912斯德哥尔摩奥运会官方报告:经济委员会报告》(Report of the Finance Committee),摘自 The Official Report of the Olympic Games of Stockholm 1912, Stockholm: Wahlstrom & Widstrand. P.32.
7迈克尔·佩恩(Michael Payne) , 2006,《奥林匹克周期:第五童》(Chapter 5: Beyond A Brand), Olympic Turnaround: How the Olympic Games StepDed Back from the Brink of Extinction to Become the World's Best Known Brand. USA: Praeger Publishers, Westport, p. 124.
8哈里·高登(HarryGordon).《一部值得等待的官方电影》(An Official Film That Has Been Worth The Wait)[J].奥运历史期刊,:8-9.
9西里尔·瑞(Cyril Ray),《影评:第十四届奥林匹克运动会-运动的荣耀》(Review of XIVth Olympiad The Glory Of Sport),摘自Sunday Chronicle,05/09/1948.