
试析都铎时期英国贵族的转型 被引量:1

On the Transformation of English Aristocracy in Tudor Period
摘要 都铎时期是英国近代民族国家的形成时期。在经济和政治、王权和社会、主观和客观诸多因素的联合作用下,都铎王权与贵族的关系转变成为近代早期国家和贵族的关系,都铎贵族转变成为近代国家的"新贵族"。这一时期,贵族仍然行使着传统的军事和政治统治的功能,但贵族的权力性质不同于以前。他们代表的是国家的权威,行使的是君主赋予或者许可的权力。在都铎和贵族的关系上,都铎时期的英国贵族首先是都铎君主的臣民。其次,都铎贵族是都铎政治集团的重要成员,是都铎专制君主权力基础的组成部分。 Tudor was the period during which English modern nation-state emerged. With the collective operation of economy and politics,monarchy and society, the relation between Crown and aristocracy was transformed into the relation between the state and the aristocracy. Tudor aristocracy was thus transformed into the “New Aristocracy”. They still performed traditional martial and governmental functions. However, they were not on behalf of the Crown and the power given by the Crown. As for the relation between Tudor aristocracy and the Crown, first of all, they were the subjects of the Crown. Secondly, they were part of political nation which formed the foundation of Tudor.
作者 蔡蕾
出处 《河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第4期148-152,共5页 Journal of Henan Normal University(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 都铎贵族 近代国家 转型 Tudor aristocracy modern state transformation
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