客体永久性是婴儿早期发展中一项重要的心理能力,本研究以208名8 ̄11个月的婴儿为被试,采用实验法和访谈法探讨了婴儿客体永久性的发展机制及其发展趋势问题。结果表明:1)我国婴儿的爬行与其客体永久性的发展无直接关系,支持了爬行对婴儿客体永久性发展的作用可能来自爬行经验而不是爬行动作的假设;2)我国婴儿的客体永久性随年龄增长而持续发展,提示爬行并不是客体永久性发展的唯一途径,爬行不能发挥作用时。
The goal of the present study was to explore the developmental mechanism of object permanence during infancy by means of examining crawling effect on the development of object permanence and its developmental trend under Chinese ecological environment There were 208 subjects aged from 8 to 11-month -old. In this study, object permanence was assessed by spatial search test, and infant crawling status was assessed by locomotion assessment and maternal interview questionnaire. Results indicated: ( 1 ) Compared with crawling effect on object permanence in American infants, crawling status was not related to Chinese infant performance on object permanence. It supported the hypothesis that crawling effect on object permanence resulted from crawling experience, not crawling action itself (2) For Chinese infants, the developmental level of object permanence also improved with age. It illustrated that there were other channels for infants to acquire object permanence besides crawling. (3) At the age of 8 to 11-month, infants arrived at the developmental level of Stage Ⅳ on object permanence. There was a significant change on infant developmental level of object permanence at the age of 9-month.
Acta Psychologica Sinica