
基于本体论的项目管理信息集成 被引量:3

Ontology Based Project Management Information Integration
摘要 本文研究了基于本体论的项目管理信息集成的有关理论、策略和方法。在分析了本体论、信息管理和项目管理关系的基础上提出了基于信息集成的项目管理系统框架。然后重点讨论了基于本体论建立信息集成体系的解决策略,主要包括信息的俘获、信息的搜索、信息的重组等关键技术,最后给出了基于本体论的项目管理信息集成的体系结构。 This paper conducts the research on the project management information integration based on ontology and the relative theories, strategies and methodologies. After the analysis of the relationship of ontology, information man- agement and project management, we develop a framework of the project management system based on information integration. We further discuss the solution of developing the information integration architecture based on ontology that mainly includes information capture, information search and information recombination, as well as some other key techniques. Finally we propose the architecture for ontology-based project management information integration.
作者 韩宗海 费奇
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第8期172-175,共4页 Computer Science
关键词 项目管理 信息集成 本体论 Project management,Information integration,Ontology
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