
低精蛋白胰岛素联合格列美脲治疗2型糖尿病患者20例 被引量:1

20 cases report of Novolin N combined with glimepiride tablets in the treatment of type Ⅱ diabetic patients
摘要 目的:观察低精蛋白胰岛素(诺和灵N)联合格列美脲治疗单纯口服降糖药疗效差的2型糖尿病患者的低血糖发生率和临床疗效。方法:40例单纯口服降糖药疗效差的2型糖尿病患者,随机分为诺和灵N联合格列美脲组(简称NPN组)和诺和灵30R组,观察治疗前后HbAIc、PBG、FBG、FCP、PCP的变化。结果:2组治疗前后HbAIc、PBG、FBG比较差异有显著性(P<0.05或P<0.01);组间比较,HbAIc、PBG在治疗前差异无统计学意义,但在治疗3个月后相比差异显著(P<0.05或P<0.01)。且诺和灵N联合格列美脲组发生低血糖的比例低于诺和灵30R组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:在单纯口服降糖药疗效差的2型糖尿病患者中使用诺和灵N与格列美脲联合,对血糖的控制优于诺和灵30R,且低血糖发生率更低。 OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effect of Novolin N combined with glimepiride tablets in the treatment of type Ⅱ diabetic patients whose glycemia could not be controlled by oral antidiabetic drug and frequency of hypoglycemia. METHODS Forty patients with T2DM were randomly divided into two groups: Novolin N combined with glimepiride tablets group and Novolin 30R group. After 12 weeks, test the levels of fasting plasma glucose (FBG), 2 hours postprandial glucose (2hPBG), glycosylated hemoglobin AIc (HbAlo), fasting ,C-peptide (FCP), postprandial C-peptide(PCP). RESULTS FBG,PBG and HbAlc were significantly decreased in two groups(P〈0. 05 or P〈0. 01). HbAlc and PBG weren't significantly decreased before treatment, but they significantly decreased after three month treatment (P〈0. 05 or P〈0. 01). Novolin N combined with glimepiride tablets group were significantly decreased in frequency of hypoglycemia than Novolin 30R group(P〈0. 05). CONCLUSION Novolin N combined with glimepiride tablets in the treatment of type Ⅱ diabetic patients whose glycemia could not be controlled by oral antidiabetic drug were safe and effective with less frequency of hypoglycemia after the treatment.
作者 王周芳
出处 《中国医院药学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第15期1286-1288,共3页 Chinese Journal of Hospital Pharmacy
关键词 低精蛋白胰岛素 诺和灵30R 格列美脲 2型糖尿病 Novolin N Novolin 30R glimepiride tablets type 2 diabetes
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