A study of the software configuration in Microcomputer-based lotal Distributed Control System (MTDCS) by means of the Object Oriented Programming (OOP) method supported upon the Borland C + + for Windows is made, It lays emphasis on the concrete programming design and research of the figure and control algorithm condguraon so that the soforare could be used inUPper 1ayer amPuer 0f the MTDCS. Any pmeess chart canbe whted by it and the dwtc show on it. nle c0nvenhonalcontnd algnritIun condgIJrhon can be fwhbo and geIleraedexecutabe file can be sent doWn MTDCS conbol stahon. 'Fhesoftware is decient for big-lagging process control system.
Measurement & Control Technology