
提高员工工作满意度机制的系统分析:和谐管理理论的启示与价值 被引量:15

Systematical Analysis on Increase Mechanism of Job Satisfaction:The Inspirations and Value of HEXIE Man-agement Theory
摘要 在企业经营管理实践中,如何提高员工的工作满意度是企业激励员工、进行有效的人力资源管理、保证企业长远发展的关键问题。针对这一问题,本文在回顾和分析现有关于工作满意度理论和实践的基础上,利用和谐管理理论提供的复杂管理问题的解决之道,即主题导向下的双规则互动耦合思路对于解决该问题的有益启示和帮助,结合某设计院提高员工工作满意度的实践,从优化完善相关制度与机制、营造能充分发挥员工能动性的工作氛围,以及围绕提高工作满意度这一主题的整合三个方面形成有机系统,从而构建了基于和谐管理理论的提高工作满意度的管理体系,为这一问题的解决提供了新的思路。 In the practice of enterprise management, how to increase employees' job satisfaction is the key problem to motivate employees, carry out human resource management efficiently, and ensure long-term life vigor and sustainable development of enterprise, and it has been attracting tremendous attention from both the academic research and management practice fields. However, there. are still several limitations and insufficiencies in current research and application on this issue. Aiming at remedying these shortages and weakness, we start our research based on review of existing theories and management practice about employees' job satisfaction, and thoroughly investigate the systematic inspiration and value of the solution of complicated management problem which HEXIE Management Theory provides, that is an interacted and coupled dual rule mechanism which is composed of optimized design and human motivation based on the oriented-issues. By using HEXIE Management Theory as an instruction idea and analyzing tool, and based on the analysis of practice of increasing employees' job satisfaction in a certain academe, we establish an orderly system from three different aspects: (1) firstly, optimization and improvement of organizational structure and business processes, reward institution, and performance management system by using Xie Principle; (2) secondly, in the light of He Principle, building trusting relationship between organization and employees, improving working conditions and bringing up humanistic organizational culture to create an organizational climate in which employees can be inspirited effectively; (3) the organic coupling between the aforementioned two aspects surrounding the strategic theme. Finally, we present a management system of increasing employees' job satisfaction based on HEXIE Management Theory in this paper, and the case indicates that this system is valid and effective for managerial application, which consequently provides a new solution for this problem.
出处 《南开管理评论》 CSSCI 2008年第4期70-77,96,共9页 Nankai Business Review
基金 国家自然科学优秀创新研究群体基金项目(70121001)资助
关键词 人力资源管理 工作满意度 知识型员工 和谐管理理论 Human Resource Management Job Satisfaction Knowledge Workers HEXIE Management Theory
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