
β-榄香烯烃基硒醚的一锅法合成 被引量:3

One-Pot Synthesis of β-Elemene-13-yl Alkyl Selenides
摘要 常温下将硒用N2H4·H2O还原后与卤代烃反应得到对称二硒醚,不经分离直接用NaBH4还原,再与13-氯-β-榄香烯作用得到β-榄香烯烃基硒醚.此一锅法操作简便、条件温和、反应快速而且产率较高,是合成不对称硒醚的一种简便实用的方法.对化合物g的初步生物活性实验表明其具有显著的抗氧化作用. A convenient and efficient procedure is described for the preparation of β-elemene-13-yl alkyl selenides by treatment of selenium with N2H4·HzO/RX/NaBH4/13-chloro-β-elemene sequentially in one-pot at room temperature. This method has several advantages such as simple operation, short reaction time, mild conditions and high yields. It also provides a convenient and efficient way to the synthesis of unsymmetrical dialkyl selenides. The preliminary bioassay showed that product g exhibited notable antioxidation activity.
出处 《有机化学》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第8期1428-1432,共5页 Chinese Journal of Organic Chemistry
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.20271010) 辽宁省优秀人才培养计划(No.RC-04-10) 辽宁省高校创新团队(No.2006T002)资助项目
关键词 Β-榄香烯 不对称硒醚 一锅法 抗氧化作用 β-elemene unsymmetrical selenide one-pot procedure antioxidation
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