

A new investment channel for insurers-hedge funds
摘要 在国外,为了提高投资收益,保险公司已开辟了新的投资渠道——对冲基金。相对于传统投资领域,对冲基金投资手段更灵活、收益更高、风险更低。经对比分析对冲基金的不同策略,本文认为,我国保险公司应积极加强前瞻性投资领域的相关研究,以与对冲基金的合作为契机,以投资对冲基金的基金为过渡,逐步积累经验、提高专业知识,将多元策略型对冲基金作为未来投资方向,将来在政府允许的条件下,以市场中性型与事件驱动型对冲基金优化保险资金投资组合。 Overseas insurance companies have regarded hedge funds as a new investment channel with the purpose to increase investment return. Compared to traditional investment channels, hedge funds investment is more flexible, It can achieve a higher investment return while taking lower investment risks. By studying comparatively various investment strategies of hedge funds, this paper held that Chinese insurance companies should strengthen studies on new areas of investment, They can start from cooperating with hedge funds and, as a transition, invest in funds of hedge funds, Thus they can accumulate experiences and expertise on hedge fund investment gradually, Eventually the insurance companies can take the multi-strategy hedge funds as their targets for future investment, and further on, optimize their investment portfolio by adding the market- neutral and event-driven hedge fund portfolios with relevant government approval.
作者 吴韧强
出处 《保险研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第8期78-81,共4页 Insurance Studies
关键词 保险资金 对冲基金 投资渠道 投资收益 投资风险 投资策略 insurance funds hedge funds investment channels investment income investment risk investment strategy
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