
上海市静安区居民2002-2006年死因分析 被引量:3

Analysis of Death Cause of Residents living in Jing'an District of Shanghai from Year 2002 to 2006
摘要 目的:通过对静安区2002-2006年人口死亡资料进行统计分析,以期为进一步开展社区卫生工作和相关政策项目的调整提供参考依据。方法:死亡资料来自静安区疾病预防控制中心,死因编码采用ICD-10,疾病大类参照CCD。用Exce l建库,统计软件SA S对静安区近5年来的全死因死亡率、死因构成及其顺位进行分析。结果:静安区居民死亡率2006年比2002年下降14.88%,男性高于女性,主要死因构成变化不大,死因前5位的是循环系统疾病、肿瘤、呼吸系统疾病、内分泌、营养及代谢性疾病、损伤和中毒。致死疾病主要为心脑血管疾病、肺癌、慢性下呼吸道疾病、糖尿病及意外伤害等,乳腺癌成为女性恶性肿瘤的主要构成,老年和中年组的糖尿病构成比例较高。减寿率构成前5位是慢性非传染性疾病和损伤中毒。结论:慢性病、肿瘤和意外伤害成为主要死因,慢性非传染性疾病和损伤中毒是居民寿命损失的主要原因,也是静安区面临的主要公共卫生问题,根据疾病发生特点,在防治策略上要有相应的措施。 Objectives In order to provide scientific basis for further improving community health work and adjusting related policy and program by analysis of statistical data on death of residents living in Jing'an district from 2002 to 2006. Methods Death certification registration was provided by center of disease control and prevention of Jing'an district of Shanghai, death cause code was in accordance with international classification of disease 10. Overall classification of diseases referred to Chinese classification of disease. Database was setup with Excel2003. Analysis of mortality of total death causes, disease spectrum and constitution and ranking of death cause was made using statistical software SAS6.0. Results Mortality of male residents was higher than that of the female. Mortality of total death cause in 2006 decreased by 14.88% compared to that in 2002, but constitution of death causes didn't vary greatly. The top five ranking was disease of circulatory system, tumor, respiratory system disease, disease of endocrinal, nutrition and metabolism, and injury and poisoning. Disease spectrum mainly included cardiovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease, lung cancer, chronic lower respiratory tract disease, diabetes and accidental harm, and etc. Breast cancer was the main component of female malign tumors. The proportion of diabetes was higher in the older and middle aged group. The top five ranking of diseases resulting in high rate of potential years of life lost was chronic noncommunicable diseases and injury and poisoning. ConclusionThe main death cause resulted from chronic disease, tumor and accidental harm. Chronic noncommunicable disease and injury and poisoning were the main cause of potential years of life lost as well as the major public health problems facing jian'an residents and government. It was suggested that different measures be adopted according to varied disease characteristics in different subjects.
出处 《中国农村卫生事业管理》 2008年第8期578-580,共3页 Chinese Rural Health Service Administration
关键词 全死因 死因顺位 疾病谱 减寿率 Total death cause Ranking of death cause Disease spectrum Rate of potential years of life lost
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