
论美国殖民地时期文学中的幽默 被引量:6

Humor in the Literature of Colonial America
摘要 美国殖民地时期文学已经具备了幽默元素,为美国文学的幽默传统奠定了基础,这一传统的形成与美国的社会历史、宗教哲学、民族精神以及多元文化基因有着密切的关联。殖民地时期的幽默作家主要包括纳撒尼尔·沃德、乔治·艾尔索普、本杰明·富兰克林等,他们的创作体现出一些共同的特点:以实用主义为哲学基础,具有鲜明的反知倾向;大量运用夸张手法,充分显现出美利坚民族的自信心;将幽默与讽刺相结合,揭示社会和人类的弊病;运用降格手法以及方言俚语,使幽默具有本土化和大众性特点。殖民地时期文学中的幽默是否具有"美国性",曾经引起了美国学者的广泛争论,本文作者在介绍争论双方主要论点的基础上,对此问题提出了自己的看法,并探讨了美国早期幽默文学对后世的影响。 Humor tradition of American literature has shaped since the colonial period, which is related to the social and historical backgrounds, national character, religion, philosophy and multiple cultures. Nathaniel Ward, George Alsop and Benjamin Franklin are the representative humor writers in the colonial days, whose humorous works indicate the following similar qualities: they are based on pragmatism; they show an anti-knowledge tendency; they frequently employ exaggeration to manifest the national confidence; they combine humor and satire to reveal the evils of society and human beings; they use debasement and dialect to make their humor native and public. Whether the humor in the literature of colonial America has a "native quality" has evoked scholars' debates for a long time. The author of this article presents her own opinion on this issue and discusses the influences of the early American humor literature.
作者 苏晖
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第4期80-89,共10页 Foreign Literature Studies
基金 国家社科基金项目"黑色幽默对美国小说幽默传统的发展与变异"【项目号:03CWW004】的阶段性成果 也是作者于美国威斯康辛大学麦迪逊分校从事博士后研究期间取得的成果之一
关键词 美国殖民地时期文学 幽默 富兰克林 纳撒尼尔·沃德 literature of Colonial America humor Franklin Nathaniel Ward
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  • 1巴赫金 李兆林 夏忠宪.《拉伯雷研究》[M].石家庄:河北教育出版社,1998年..
  • 2Blair, Walter, and Hamlin Hill. America's Humor: From Poor Richard to Doonesbury. New York: Oxford UP, 1978.
  • 3Brooks, Van Wyck. America's Coming-of-Age. New York: The Viking Press, 1915.
  • 4Commager, Henry Steele. The American Mind. New Haven: Yale UP, 1950.
  • 5Cox, S. S. "Why We Laugh. " Critical Essays on American Humor. Ed. William Bedford Clark and W. Craig Turner. Boston, MA. G. K. Hall & Co., 1984. 22-29.
  • 6Ferguson, J. DeLancey. "The Roots of American Humor. " Critical Essays on American Humor. Ed. William Bedford Clark and W. Craig Turner. Boston, MA:G. K. Hall & Co. , 1984.51 -58.
  • 7Franklin, Benjamin. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin. New York : Collier Books, 1962.
  • 8Franklin, Benjamin. Poor Richard's Almanack. Mount Vernon : Peter Pauper Press, 1936.
  • 9Haweis, H. R. American Humorists. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1883.
  • 10Holliday, Carl. Wit and Humor of Colonial Days. New York: Frederick Ungar Publishing Co. 1912.











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