
塔里木河流域2006年“四源一干”河川径流及输水运行分析 被引量:17

Streamflow Variations of Four Source Streams to Mainstream of Tarim River,Xinjiang and Water Transportation in 2006
摘要 2006年塔里木河四条源流出山口天然径流量268.9×108m3,比正常年份偏多17.4%,属偏丰水年.其中,阿拉尔站以上的三条源流(阿克苏河、叶尔羌河、和田河)出山口天然径流量为228.6×108m3,比正常年份偏多18.0%;开都河-孔雀河为40.33×108m3,比正常年份偏多20.4%,属偏丰水年.四条源流入塔里木河总水量为50.26×108m3,占出山口天然径流总量的18.7%.其中:阿拉尔站以上三条源流入塔里木河水量为47.58×108m3,占三条源流出山口天然径流总量的20.8%.2006年塔里木河干流上游段耗水量33.55×108m3,占阿拉尔站年径流量的58.8%,是塔里木河干流最大的耗水区段;中游段耗水量16.56×108m3,占阿拉尔站年径流量的29.0%,比多年平均耗水量22.51×108m3减少5.95×108m3;下游段耗水量6.97.16×108m3.上游耗水量在增加,中游耗水量在减少,下游耗水量接近多年平均值.2006年第8次向干流下游输送生态水2.33×108m3,其中由博斯腾湖下泄0.26×108m3,由塔里木河自身来水下泄2.07×108m3.此次输水由前7次的应急输水转变为功能性输水,由以往输往塔里木河尾闾台特玛湖,转变为以扩大下游生态灌溉面积为目的,尝试以激活天然种子库,高效利用水资源,进一步恢复塔里木河下游生态植被范围.2000-2006年连续共8次生态输水,已累计由大西海子水库向塔里木河下游输送生态水22.75×108m3,生态、经济、社会效益日益显著. The Aksu, Hotan, Yarkant and Kaidu- Konque Rivers are four source rivers of Tarim River drainage. The three tributary river systems (Aksu, Hotan and Yarkant) that contribute flows to the Tarim River join just above the Aler gauging station where the Tarim River begins. From the confluence of its three main contributing tributaries, the Tarim River mainstream extends 1 321 km to Taitema Lake. In addition the Kaidu-Konque River Basin, which is hydrologically separate from the Tarim River, contributes water to the Tarim River by means of a man-made transfer channel. In 2006, annual virgin flow of 268. 9 ×10^8m^3 from four mountains basins of Aksu, Hotan, Yarkant and Kaidu-Konque Rivers drain into the Tarim Basin, more 17.4% than average annual streamflow, is an abundant hydrological year. The annual total virgin flow of Aksu, Hotan and Yarkant above the Aler gauging station are 228.6 ×10^8m^3 from the mountains basins, more than average annual streamflow by 18. 0% and of the Kaidu-Konque River from Tianshan Mountains 40.33×10^8m^3, more 20. 4% than average annual streamflow, is an abundant hydrological year. The total discharge of the four source rivers into Tarim River is 50.26×10^8m^3 in 2006, which three tributary river systems (Aksu, Hotan and Yarkant) contributes 47.58×10^8m^3 flows to the Tarim River, occupy up 20.8 % of annual virgin flow from mountains basin. The interzone consumed water of the Tarim River mainstream are estimated to be 33.55 ×10^8m^3 for the upper course from Aler to Yingbazha, account for 58. 8% of annual streamflow of Aler Station, the largest consumed section of the Tarim River mainstream; 16.56×10^8m^3 for the middle course from Yingbazha to Qiala, occupy up 29.0 %of Aler ones and 6.97. 16×10^8m^3 for the downstream course. Comparing with average annual consumed water, interzone consumed water in 2006 has an increasing in upper streams course and decreasing in middle course, and normal in the lower course. The eighth ecological emergency water diversion project was carried out in Tarim River in 2006, outflow 2.33×10^8m^3 drains into the lower reaches of Tarim River, in which transfer water 0.26×10^8m^3 from Bosten Lake, and 2.07×10^8m^3 from the Tarim River mainstream.
出处 《冰川冻土》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期569-577,共9页 Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology
基金 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973计划)项目(2007CB411507) 国家自然科学基金项目(40771047) 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目(KZCX2-YW-127)资助
关键词 塔里木河 河川径流 输水运行 生态效益 Tarim River runoff water transportation ecological benefit
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