Phenmedipham and Desmedipham is using to contorl one-year old weeds with wide leafs in suger beet fields. In the article, We applied HPLC with diode array detector (DAD) at 235nm for the analysis of Phenmedipham and Desmedipham. The method involves reversed- phase separation of the components on C-18 bonded silica. The sample was dissolved in methanol, Phenmedipham and Desmedipham in the sample is separated and determined using a 250mm×3.9mm (i.d) stainless steel column packed with ODS, with methanol-water (60+40, V/V) as the mobile phase. Recovery rates ranged form 99.29-100.14%.The coefficient of variation for the method were 0.11% and 0.15%. The procedure was highly selective and reproducible and be successfully used in determining contents of Phenmedipham and Desmedipham on macro leves.
Pesticide Science and Administration