After some modification, the authors can apply China New Generation Doppler raw radar data which contains all 14 levels reflectivity and radial velocities to ARPS model. Using this method, the authors can study the efforts on weather prediction when applying raw radar data in ARPS model. The authors chose a case study, which is a China mesc-scale characteristics of the heavy rainfall happened on 4-5 July 2003 in the Huaihe Rivor valley. The results show that the 0-12 h precipitation forecast is greatly improved in precipitation range, intensity, the location of precipitation center and radar echo estimate; even the 3-4 h forecast which is the most difficult part in meso-scale NWP model nowadays also shows better. The forecast of radar reflectivity and rainfall in the beginning hour is similar to the observation, which proved that assimilating Doppler raw radar data in this case have alleviated the effort of "spin-up". The reasons are that the model can obtain the information of cloud and precipitation when applying raw radar data to the model. On one hand, this information can provide the initials to microphysical variable in the model, which can speed up microphysical processes and shorten the adjustment time of the model. On the other hand, the cloud and precipitation analysis can provide data source for moisture and diabatic initialization of convective scale numerical model, and then the model has the conditions for "hot start", which also can alleviate the effort of "spin-up".
Climatic and Environmental Research