根据华为技术有限公司OptiX 155/622HSDH光传输通信设备的性能与特点,结合普通高等院校通信与信息工程专业相关课程要求,设计了一系列SDH光传输教学实验。能够充分发挥实验设备的作用,加深学生对设备特点、知识原理的理解,有利于提高学生的实际应用与扩展能力。
This article introduces the experiments design for the SDH technology teaching, which is based on Huawei OptiX 155/622H SDH optical transmission equipments. The experiments take the educational target and the undergraduate cognize characteristic into account and take full advantage of the equipments. It redounds to enhance the undergraduates' understanding for the SDH theory.
Computer & Telecommunication