分析各种英语习语理论的倾向性,将其分为两种观点:传统的观点(非合成性的观点)和合成性的观点。这些观点的分析各有缺陷,而且他们选择的例子都是我们基本接受的习语,而对习语的在线生成和使用并没给予很好的解释。利用Fauconnier & Turner的概念合成理论(conceptual blending)来阐释英语习语的在线生成和使用。概念整合、形式整合和角色关系等其它关系的压缩,使习语的生成和使用具有了动态性。
According to the incfination of the views related to English idioms,two points of view are classified: the traditional (noncompositional) view and compositional view. But they both, to some extent, cannot hold water and the examples they offered are all the idioms we have accepted basically. Most important of all is that they don't explain well the idioms' on-fine forming and use. Fauconnier & Tumer's conceptual blending theory is used to expound it . Conceptual blending,form blending and the compression of role-value relation enhance the vividness for the English idioms' on-fine forming and use.
Journal of Chongqing Jiaotong University:Social Sciences Edition