
集成高梯度磁场分离结构的微流控芯片快速制作法 被引量:3

Rapid fabrication of integrated high-gradient magnetic separation microfluidic device
摘要 随着MEMS技术和免疫磁珠技术的不断发展,平面电磁线圈作为控制纳米磁珠在微流体中运动的关键部件,受到广泛关注和研究。但其复杂的加工工艺,较低的磁珠捕获效率以及电磁线圈的热效应,限制了它在微流控芯片中的进一步发展和应用。本文介绍了一种高梯度磁场分离微流控芯片,通过在芯片内部集成顺磁性的微柱结构,形成高磁场来捕获磁珠。采用基于SU-8多层模具和PDMS铸模工艺的快速加工方法,在芯片内部制作出顺磁性的微柱阵列。在外磁场磁化作用下,这些微柱能产生磁珠捕获所需的高梯度磁场,有效的进行磁珠操控和分离,通过蛋白捕获实验验证了芯片的可行性。该方法加工简单快捷,也不会带来电磁线圈的热效应问题。 In recent years, much interest focus on planar magnet in microfluidics with the development of MEMS and immune magnetic beads. However their applications are obsessed by the complex fabrication, low caputre efficiency and heat effect. In this paper, we present a rapid fabrication method of three - dimensional micro magnetic structures based on multilayered SU -8 pattern and conventional PDMS molding. By the high -gradient magnetic field induced by an external magnet, magnetic beads are captured by these micro magnetic structures and released when the external magnet is removed. Protein capture is realized on the chip.
出处 《功能材料与器件学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期751-756,共6页 Journal of Functional Materials and Devices
基金 上海市科委项目(No.06JC14081 No.05NM05015 No.0652NM016) s国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(973计划)(编号:2005CB724305)
关键词 高梯度磁场 快速加工 微流控芯片 磁珠 high - gradient magnetic field rapid fabrication microfludic device magnetic bead
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