

Construction of Tissue-Engineered Nerve Using Human Hair Keratin and Schwann Cells Under Microgravity Conditions
摘要 目的利用旋转式细胞培养系统模拟微重力条件体外构建人发角蛋白组织工程化神经。方法从乳鼠坐骨神经分离培养施万细胞,将传代施万细胞与人发角蛋白(HHK)在旋转式细胞培养系统内联合培养,分别在倒置显微镜和扫描电镜下观察施万细胞与HHK的相容性,评价体外构建效果。结果施万细胞分离培养成功,纯度达97%。联合培养后施万细胞在光镜下呈单层或多层贴附于HHK支架表面。扫描电镜下呈细长梭形,生长方向与HHK细丝长轴相一致,随着培养时间的延长其贴附程度加强,数量增加。结论在旋转式培养系统下施万细胞与HHK具有良好的粘附性和相容性,体外构建HHK组织工程化神经初步成功。 Objective To construct tissue-engineered nerves using human hair keratin (HHK) and Schwann cells. Method Schwann cells were separated from sciatic nerves of neonate rats and cultured in DMEM/F12 medium. The cells were then co-cultured with HHK in a rotary cell culture system (RCCS). The interaction between Schwann cells and HHK were examined under an inverted microscope or a scanning electron microscope (SEM). Result Schwann cells were separated and cultured with a purity of 97%. Microscopic examination showed that Schwann cells adhered to the HHK and formed a single layer to muhilayers. Under SEM, the cells showed a long and thin fusiform shape. Cell growth direction was consistent with the long axis of HHK filament. Increase in cell number and attachment were observed after a prolonged incubation. Conclusion RCCS may be used for the production of HHK/Schwann cells- engineered nerves.
出处 《热带医学杂志》 CAS 2008年第8期755-757,764,共4页 Journal of Tropical Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.30300191)
关键词 人发角蛋白 组织工程 三维培养 施万细胞 human hair keratin (HHK) tissue engineering three-dimensional culture: Schwann cell
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