
诊断用彩色多普勒超声辐照对小鼠早孕胚胎细胞超微结构的影响 被引量:2

Influence of diagnostic CDFI on ultrastructure of the rats embryos cell
摘要 目的:应用彩色多普勒超声辐照早孕小鼠胚胎,观察小鼠早孕胚胎细胞超微结构的变化。方法:8只孕6~7 d成年昆明种小鼠,按彩超辐照时间不同随机等分为4组,组(对照组)、组(辐照10 min组)、组(辐照20 min组)、组(辐照30 min组),仪器采用百胜公司DU-8型彩色超声诊断仪。照射条件:腹部凸阵探头,探头频率为3.0MHz,MI=0.9 TiS=0.9。照射后24 h取小鼠胚胎标本,HE染色光镜观察组织结构,透射电镜观察超微结构变化。结果:各组光镜下观察胚胎组织结构均未见异常。照射30 min组小鼠胚胎细胞电镜检查发现染色质浓缩边集、线粒体肿胀等超微结构变化。结论:彩色多普勒超声辐照早孕小鼠可引起胚胎细胞超微结构发生改变。 Objective :To study the influence of diagnostic CDFI on ultrastructure of the rats embryos cell. Methods :Eight female rats that had been pregnant for 6-7 days were divided into four groups averagely and randomly: control group (group Ⅰ)was sham-irradiated ;group Ⅱ -Ⅳ were irradiated by diagnostic CDFI(H = 3.0 MHz,Tis = 0.9, MI=0. 9)for 10 min,20 min and 30 min respectively. The fetal rats'embryos of the four groups were resected after 24 hours irradiation and HE stain was done for microscopic observation ;ultrastructural changes were observed by transmission electronmicro scope. Results :There was no abnormal changes among group Ⅰ -Ⅳ under microscope. The ultrastructural changes of the embryos cell in group Ⅳ were observed by transmission electronmicroscope, which showed condensation of the nuclear chromatin with margination,mitochondria swelling, etc. Conclusions :Continuous irradiation for 30 min by diagnostic CDFI on fetal rat in pregnancy may result in ultrastructural changes.
出处 《临床医药实践》 2008年第4期252-253,共2页 Proceeding of Clinical Medicine
关键词 超声 胚胎细胞 超微结构 ultrasound embryos cell ultrastructure
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