
Ka波段高功率基波回旋速调管高频系统研究 被引量:2

摘要 对Ka波段、工作模式为TE021模的基波高功率回旋速调管的高频结构进行了研究.讨论了群聚腔两端突变对TE02模反射相位和幅值,以及绕射产生的TE01模的相位和幅值的影响;TE01模相干迭加效应和对TE02模场分布形式的影响,通过粒子模拟计算研究了最具破坏性的杂模.优化设计了腔体的尺寸,使得既降低了TE01模对工作模TE02模的影响又有效抑制了最具破坏性的杂模,并得到了34GHz的TE021模四腔回旋速调管放大器设计方案.PIC计算表明:在工作电压70kV,注电流20A,电子横纵向速度比为1.5时,中心频率33.97GHz,输出功率720kW,相对带宽1.5%,电子效率51.4%,饱和增益大于49.7dB. A Ka-band high-power gyroklystron, which worked in TE021 mode with four cavities, was studied. The influence of abrupt section of bunching cavities on the phase and amplitude of TEol and TE02 mode were studied in detail with field matching analysis. The optimized sizes of the cavities were designed to minimize the influence of TEol mode on TE02 mode and to suppress parasitic oscillations. And the RF circuit was designed and optimized to enhance operating bandwidth and electron efficiency. 720 kW output power, 49.7 dB saturation gain, 51.4% electron efficiency and about 510 MHz instantaneous bandwidth were obtained by PIC simulation at 70 kV, 20 A electron beam.
出处 《红外与毫米波学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期290-294,共5页 Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves
基金 国家自然科学资助基金(60532)资助项目
关键词 回旋速调管 高功率毫米波源 TE02模 注-波互作用 gyroklystron high power millimeter wave source TE02 mode electron beam and wave interaction
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