目的:对3.0T磁共振成像(MRI)在腹部伪影产生的原因、表现和抑制方法进行研究。方法:收集40例腹部经GE Signa EXCITE HD 3.0T磁共振扫描产生伪影的图像进行分析。结果:3.0T MRI在腹部伪影主要是:化学位移伪影、ASSET伪影、电介质伪影、磁化率伪影、运动伪影和带状伪影。结论:认识3.0T伪影在腹部的特性,了解伪影产生的原因能够有针对性地选择抑制技术,提高图像质量。
Objective To study the reason, appearance and solution of the abdomen artifacts in 3.0 T MRI. Methods 40 MRI abdomen images which have the deferent artifacts underwent GE Signa EXECITE HD 3.0T MRI were analyzed. Results Main abdomen artifacts were primarily summed up including chemical shift artifacts, ASSET artifacts, dielectric artifacts, magnetisability artifacts, motion artifacts and strip artifacts. Conclusion Comprehending the characters and mechanism of abdomen artifacts in 3.0 T benefits removing artifacts and enhancing imaging quality.
Chinese Medical Equipment Journal