
一种基于泛化-特化关系模式的业务服务实例化方法 被引量:3

Business Services Instantiation on the Basis of the Generalization-Specification Patterns
摘要 业务服务作为业务活动具体实现的一种抽象表示,在业务层上解决了业务用户可用及领域可复用的问题,然而,业务服务在落实到具体的物理服务时缺少一种规范化的实例化方法,因此,文中提出了一种基于泛化-特化关系模式的业务服务实例化方法.通过泛化-特化关系的判定,最终用户定制的表达个性化需求的业务服务能够发现它的邻近上界业务服务,并且基于泛化-特化关系模式的应用,业务服务只需要在它的邻近上界业务服务的公共实例集合中去匹配.实验表明,这种实例化方法能够很好地减少业务服务实例化中的冗余匹配,提高业务服务实例化的效率. Business Service, as an abstraction of concrete realization of a business activity, helps to relieve the complexity in end-user-oriented service assembly and reuse. However, there lacks a standard instantiation method for realizing business services on top of concrete software services. The paper proposes an instantiation method for business services on the basis of the generalization-specification patterns. By examining and summarizing generalization-specification relations and the patterns thereof, the customized business services that are adapted to end-user requirements only need to match to the software services that fall into the category of the patterns. Experiments indicate that the instantiation method can help to reduce the matching redundancy and to improve the instantiation efficiency.
出处 《计算机学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2008年第8期1319-1330,共12页 Chinese Journal of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金(60573117) 山东省“泰山学者”项目资助~~
关键词 业务服务 泛化-特化关系模式 实例化 邻近上界 business service generalization-specification patterns instantiation adjacent upper bound
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