
DSP技术在压电被动振动控制中的应用初探 被引量:4

Preliminary Study on DSP Technology of Passive Control Based on Piezoelectric Ceramic
摘要 采用DSP构建合成阻抗电路替代传统的压电分流阻尼电路进行振动控制。详细分析了DSP减振电路的工作原理和实现方法。以根部粘贴有压电陶瓷片的悬臂梁系统为例,给出了DSP减振电路的单模态被动减振的实验结果,并提出了利用DSP减振电路进行多模态被动振动控制的发展方向。 The DSP circuit of synthetic impedance is adopted instead of piezoelectric shunting damping circuit. The principle and implement of the DSP circuit are discussed in detail. Then, a single mode vibration damping with DSP circuit is designed for an experimental cantilever beam, and the result of vibration damping is given. At last, the further study on the development of the multiple mode passive control with DSP circuit is proposed.
出处 《压电与声光》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期640-642,共3页 Piezoelectrics & Acoustooptics
关键词 被动控制 压电元件 DSP 合成阻抗 悬臂梁 passive control piezoelectric component DSP synthetic impedances cantilever beam
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