
美国消费者权益保护刍论 被引量:6

Discussing about the American Consumer Rights Protection
摘要 美国是世界上消费者权益保护思想萌发最早、消费者权益保护措施及实践最为完备的国家,对美国消费者权益保护机构、消费者权益保护立法、物价控制、消费争议解决方式、消费者权益保护特色进行探析,对我国消费者权益保护的进一步完善将具有重要的借鉴意义。 The United States is the earliest country of consumer rights protection in the world thought bourgeon, the consumer rights protection measure and practice the most complete nation, protected the organization, the consumer rights protection lawmaking, price control and consume to the American consumer rights controversy to solved the way, the consumer rights protection special features to carry on the discussion and analysis, to our country the consumer rights was protective further perfect will have to draw lessons from the meaning important.
作者 朱慧
出处 《经济研究导刊》 2008年第10期143-145,共3页 Economic Research Guide
关键词 美国 消费者权益 保护 the United States consumer right protection
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