Objective To evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of different operative choices for gall bladder carcinoma at different stages. Methods Different procedures were used in 74 cases of gall bladder carcinoma at different TNM stages, including simple cystectomy in 7 cases of StageⅡ and Ⅲ, radical resection in 24 cases of Stage Ⅲ, extended resection plus hepatic segmentectomy in 35 cases of Stage IVA and IVB, and hepatectomy of Ⅳb segment + cystectomy + cholandochojejunostomy in 8 with sclerotization of hepatic hilum. The additional treatment included alcohol injection around celiac artery and pancreatic lymph nodes in 10 cases, I131implantation in 9 cases, transverse colon resection in 3 cases, portal vein resection in 2 cases, and right hepatic arteria resection in 4 cases. Results 1 case died postoperatively. 3 cases occurred bile leakage, 9 cases occurred abdominal infection, and 1 case suffered from diabetic ketosis. Postoperative hospitalization was 15.2( 10 ~25)days in average. In 34 cases followed up for meanly 11.2( 1 ~ 31 ) months, 3 cases died within 1 year, 7 cases died within 1 to 2 years, and 25 local relapsed. The longest survival time was 29 months. Conclusion Most patients of gallbladder carcinoma are found at advanced stage. Choosing suitable operative procedures according to different stages and different locations can prolong survivals, relieve symptoms and improve life qualities for gall bladder carcinoma patients.
Chinese Journal of Modern Operative Surgery
gallbladder neoplasms