台湾南北高速铁路建设计划系以民间投资兴建及营运(BOT)方式办理。当时政府及民间企业均没有兴建高速铁路的技术与经验,更不知道如何合作来推动这项超过180亿美元(汇率:1美元=32元新台币)的交通建设。在1998年7月政府与台湾高铁公司签订高铁"兴建营运合约",由政府投资约33亿美元负责办理台北至高雄全长345 km之工程用地取得;台北地下化共构段工程施工及监督与管理;台湾高铁公司投资约150亿美元,负责办理高铁各项工程之设计、施工与测试等工作。其工程经费的庞大及系统技术的复杂成为世界各国瞩目的焦点。兴建工程自2000年3月动工至2006年12月底政府核准通车营运,历时6年9个月。高铁营运至今已逾一年,每日双向发车126班,截至2008年5月累计搭乘的旅客已超过2400万人,准点率达99.5%,是一项世界上以BOT方式推动成功的最大交通建设。
The construction of Taiwan high speed rail ( THSR ) project was conducted by way of private investment and BOT method. Neither the government nor the private enterprise had any technique or experience in construction of high speed rail, it is really a big challenge to promote the project over a cost of 18 billion USD by the government and private sector. In July 1998, the government and the Taiwan High Speed Rail Corporation (THSRC) signed "Taiwan High Speed Rail Construction and Operation Contract". The items committed by the government including land acquisition of the whole line of 345 km and the construction of civil work for understruetures in Taipei sections, cost about 3.3 billion USD. The items undertaken by THSRC including all kinds of engineering works, integration test and operation maintenance cost about 15 billion USD. Since the budget was so intensive and the system technology was such complicated, the project soon became the focus of countries all over the world.
The THSR construction work started since March 2000 and was completed and put into service at the end of 2006 after the government approved the system. After more than one year' s operation by THSRC, the frequency is 126 trains two -way direction per day. Up to May 2008, the THSR carried a total of more than 24 million passengers, with a punctuality of 99.5%. It is indeed the most successful transportation infrastructure in large scale implemented by BOT method worldwide.
Chinese Journal of Underground Space and Engineering
High Speed Rail
Built - Operate - Transfer (BOT)
Transportation infrastructure