
欧美大麦种质资源在甘肃的生态适应性评价 被引量:8

Evaluation on the ecological adaptability of barley germplasm from Europe and America in Gansu Province
摘要 以20世纪80年代以来甘肃农垦系统从欧洲和北美洲引进的524份大麦种质或品种资源为试验材料,对供试品种(系)的生育期、幼苗习性、抗逆性等进行了多年的观察记载,对株高、穗长、穗粒数、千粒重等性状进行了考种观察,系统地研究了不同品种的生长发育规律、农艺性状特点、产量性状等,并对部分品种的品质指标进行了测定。研究发现:从欧美等国引进的优质大麦资源和品种,在甘肃一年一熟地区表现出综合农艺性状好,适应性和抗逆性强,优质丰产,千粒重高,籽粒饱满,筛选率、发芽率、浸出率高,蛋白质含量较低,符合啤酒酿造的品质要求;北美洲品种植株较高,茎秆细软,易倒伏;欧洲品种表现株矮,茎秆中粗,抗倒伏性较强,德国品种中有30%的品种易感条纹病;欧美品种普遍表现较早熟,有利于抵抗甘肃河西产区大麦生育后期干热风造成的危害;欧美品种分蘖力强,穗大粒多,千粒重较高,均与原生态条件下的表现一致,适合在甘肃河西走廊、引黄灌区及同类型生态区直接栽培推广,且表现出产量较高,适应性、抗逆性强,也可作为杂交亲本材料加以利用,如Harrington、B1202、Steffi、Riviera等。 Barley can be used as both forage crop and economic crop because of its strong adaptability to cold and drought climate, diseases, and saline-alkaline soils. 524 varieties or lines were used as the materials, introduced from Europe and North America, to observe the growth period, seedling traits and resistance. The height of plant, length of spike, grain-per-spike, 1000-grain weight and other characteristics were also measured. The result showed that these varieties performed better in agro- nomic properties, adaptability and resistance in general. Their high quality and yield, and low protein content were satisfactory for beer making. In which, varieties from North America showed the charac-teristics of higher height, fine and soft stem; varieties from Europe showed the properties of lower height, middle stem and strong lodging resistance; German varieties were easily infected by stripe disease. All of these varieties showed the strong tillering capability, big spike and high grain numbers and 1000-grain weight. Especially those varieties, including Harrington, B1202, Steffi and Riviera, were adaptable in Hexi Corridor and the valley area of Yellow River.
出处 《草业科学》 CAS CSCD 2008年第8期35-39,共5页 Pratacultural Science
基金 引进国际先进农业科学技术"948"项目(2006-G9-4)
关键词 欧洲和北美洲 啤酒大麦 种质资源 利用 评价 Europe and North America barley malting barley germplasm resources utilization evaluation
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