保健食品生产企业GMP审查管理系统是一套基于客户/服务器(C/S)结构开发的系统,采用Delphi开发工具,SQL Server 2000数据库。整个系统分为八大模块,涵盖整个GMP审查过程,界面直观,操作简单实用,有较强的可扩展性。该系统在广东省食品药品监督管理局及广东省食品药品监督管理局审评认证中心使用三年多,目前通过该系统已实现对190多家保健食品生产企业的GMP审查进行管理。系统通过对审查全过程的管理,进一步规范了审查过程,提高了审查工作效率,促进了审查工作的开展。
GMP supervision management system, a Delphi software derivative based on SQL Server 2000, provides a convenient link for users to check relevant information in their own database system supported by their servers. The system consists of eight modules incorporating the entire examination process. It is user-friendly; simple and practical with great potential for future extension, The system was tested for over three years at the Guangdong provincial food & drug supervision and management bureau and Guangdong provincial food & drug supervision and management bureau audition and certification center. CtLrrently the system is being used by more than 190 health care product companies. This paper reviewed the application of this certification system in health food production.
Modern Food Science and Technology