
震殇解惑——建筑物体的灾害性终结及其对于建筑教育的启示 被引量:2

Mourning of Earthquake Eliminates Doubts——Study on Terminals of Architectural Objects in Disasters and Revelation for Architectural Education
摘要 通过对建筑物非正常破坏的两类形式,即建筑工程事故以及建筑物体的灾害性终结的描述与分析,指出建筑学基本问题之重要性依旧。当今建筑学的外延大得似乎不着边际,但地震提醒我们从还原的角度重新认识建筑学的基本问题,警惕建筑教育中的两种常见弊病,即固本不足与类型错位,并应在教学过程中帮助初学者认知需要固守的三种关系及其在当代的延展性意义。 Based on the description and analysis about two types of unormal form of buildings destroying such as construction accidents and natural disasters, we try to point out that the importance of basic issues of architecture still exists. Though the extension of contemporary architecture seems to be larger than ever, the earthquake reminded us of rethinking of the basic issues of architecture to return to the original condition, and we should be aware of two common problems in architectural education nowadays, such as inadequate insistence of basic issues and the dislocation of different types of education. Most important of all, we should help the beginners to recognize three types of relationships in architecture we should maintain and the tractility of contemporary significance.
作者 李海清
出处 《新建筑》 2008年第4期20-24,共5页 New Architecture
关键词 建筑物体 建筑教育 灾害 终结 基本问题 architectural objects, architectural education, disasters, terminals, basic issues
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  • 1Extract from a quotation from H.Gugger's writing in the publication《Kaserne Basel,Atelier Binswanger Gugger Jaccaud Sahy》,Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne,The original comes from the 1910 essay of Adolf Loos(1870-1933),entitled"Architecture,"in which he explained important contradictions in design:between the interior and the exterior,the monument and the house,and art works and objects of function.
  • 2History of"Ecole nationale des ponts et chausses"on the website:http://fr.wikipedia.Org/wiki/Ecole_nationale_des_ponts_et_chaussees.
  • 3Read more about solar power especially its development in Germany on the website:http://www.german renewable-energy.com/Renewables/Navigation/Englisch/solar-power.html The German Government's Climate Change Programme for the Buildings Sector,http://www.bmvbs.de/en/Building/,1911/Climate change-and-energy-effi,htm.
  • 4Read more about solar power especially its development in Germany on the website:http://www.german-renewable-energt.com/Renewables/Navigation/Englisch/solar-power.html.The German Govemment's Climate Change Programme for the Buildings Secton http://www.bmvbs.de/en/Building/-,1911/Climate change-and-energy-efi.htm.
  • 5"Cloudy Germany a Powerhouse in Solar Energy",By Craig Whitlock,Washington Post Foreign Service,Saturday,May 5,2007;A01.
  • 6Minergie -P Standard defines buildings with very low energy consumption,it is especially demanding in regard to heating energy demand,This standard corresponds to the internationally known passive house standard,also see the website http://www.minergie.Com/index_en,php.
  • 7Okopass,see the websites www.energteinstitutat and www.vorarlberg.at For further analysis,see the article in French of Dominique Gauzin-Muller,《L'exception culturelle du Vorarlberg》,extract from a book on preparation for Editions du Moniteur(France),Minergie,on the website http://www.minergie,com/index_en.Php.Effinergie,on the website http//www.effinergie.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome.
  • 8Educational program at the?School of Architecture,CMI and Environmental Engineering(ENAC) at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology(EPFL)in Lausanne,available on the internet site:http://enac.epfl.ch/page 1332-en.html.











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