
清醒和麻醉大鼠肾交感神经活动的多尺度熵分析 被引量:1

Multiscale Entropy Analysis of Renal Sympathetic Nerve Activity in Conscious and Anaesthetized Wistar Rats
摘要 为了研究乌拉坦、氯醛糖混合麻醉对大鼠肾交感神经活动的影响,应用多尺度熵方法研究了麻醉药物对肾交感神经活动的影响。对清醒和麻醉大鼠的肾交感神经活动分析的结果表明:当尺度增大到12之后,清醒鼠的神经活动熵值显著大于麻醉鼠;两种状态下大鼠神经活动的熵值随尺度的变化趋势显著不同。对于肾交感神经活动这类貌似随机的时间序列,多尺度熵比样品熵等算法更能全面地反映出神经系统的非线性特征。 Multiscale entropy (MSE) is a novel nonlinear approach to measure the complexity of biological systems on multiple scales. In order to investigate the effect of anaesthesia on renal sympathetic nerve activity ( RSNA), the multiscale entropy algorithm was applied to analyze the pattern of renal nerve outflow in both conscious and anaesthetized Wistar rats. The results showed that with the scale inceasing to 12, the entropy values of the RSNA in conscious rats became significantly higher than that in anaesthetized rats; the trends of MSE depending on the scale were significantly different from these two physiological states, MSE is an useful and effective method, by which the complexity of underlying dymanic system could be detected on multiply scales.
出处 《中国生物医学工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第4期498-501,514,共5页 Chinese Journal of Biomedical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30640037,30470453)
关键词 清醒和麻醉鼠 肾交感神经活动 多尺度熵 复杂性 conscious and anaesthetized rats renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) multiscale entropy (MSE) complexity
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