
产酸克雷伯氏菌耐氧产氢及其可溶性氢酶耐氧特性研究 被引量:2

Study on Hydrogen Production Activity of Klebsielal oxytoca HP1 and Stability of Its Soluble Hydrogenase under Atmosphere with O_2
摘要 目的:考察产酸克雷伯氏菌(Klebsielal oxytoca HP1)耐氧产氢特性及其可溶性氢酶的氧耐受特性。方法:研究K.oxytoca HP1在不同气相氧浓度条件下利用葡萄糖(1%,m/v)、丙酮酸钠(0.5%,m/v)及甲酸(0.1%,v/v)等底物产氢活性的以及K.oxyto-ca HP1可溶性氢酶在空气及氧饱和溶液中催化产氢活性。结果:K.oxytoca HP1在葡萄糖(1%,m/v)底物中具有较高耐氧产氢活性,6h内在气相氧浓度为5%、10%和21%条件下的氢产量分别为厌氧条件下的20.9%、13.7%、8.3%;K.oxytoca HP1可溶性氢酶在空气中孵育12h后,其活性残余85.4%,在氧饱和溶液中活性损失一半约3h。结论:试验结果提示K.oxytoca HP1具有耐氧产氢特性,其可溶性氢酶具有较高氧耐受性,在氢能源的开发中具有潜在的应用前景。 Objective: To study the hydrogen production activity of K. oxytoca HP1 under condition with oxygen stress and the oxygen tolerance ability of its soluble hydrogenase. Method: The hydrogen production activity of K. oxytoca HP1 incubated in glucose ( 1%, m/v), sodittm pyru- rate (0.5% ,m/v)or formate (0.1%,v/v) under atmosphere with 0%,5%,10% and 21% 02 were studied on, and the remain activity of its soluble hydrogenase incubated in air or pure O2 during 0 - 12h were studied on. Result: The results show that K. oxytoca HPI has high hydrogen production activity in glucose (1%, m/v) substrate under atmospherewith oxygen. Compared to in anaerobic condition, the hydrogen production of K. oxytoca HP1 under atmosphere with 5%, 10% and 21% oxygen was 20.9% ,13.7% and 8.3% respectively in 6h. The soluble hydrogenase from K. axytoca HP1 exhibits considerable oxygen toleration ability, the remain activity was 85.4% after the hydrogenase exposure to air 12h and its activity lost half after the hydrogenase exposed to oxygen 3h. Conclusion: These results suggest that K. oxytoca HP1 and its soluble hydrogenase have potential to .be applied in hydrogen production and application.
出处 《生物技术》 CAS CSCD 2008年第4期31-34,共4页 Biotechnology
基金 福建省青年科技人才创新项目资助(No.12005J003)
关键词 产酸克雷伯氏菌 氢酶 耐氧 产氢 Klebsielal oxytoca HP1 hydrogenase oxygen toleration hydrogen production
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