

Poetic Humanities Science and Jiangnan Urban Studies(Symposium)
摘要 诗性人文学术本质上是以文学艺术为基本材料与研究对象的知识建构方式与学术研究谱系。在中国历史上,江南地区素以城市经济发达与城市文化生产繁荣而著称,不仅给古代江南人民提供了丰富多元的精神生活,同时也对城市本身的建构与发展产生了重要影响。以诗性人文学术的理论与方法研究江南城市,既可补充社会学、地理学、区域文化学等实证研究的不足,也可为当今长江三角洲城市文化与精神文明建设提供宝贵的精神资源。为此,我们特邀相关专家与学者就此发表观点与意见,并期望有更多的学界同仁予以关注和支持。 Liu Shinlin thought that the poetic humanities science were helpful to correct excessive rational, scientific and positive modern mainstream academic model, and were of incontestable validity and advantage when studying and explaining Jiangnan cities, and the poetic humanities research and explanation of the ancient Jiangnan cities not only helped their own sustainable development of Jiangnan cities, but also were of reference value to other areas in China even the western cities. Zha Qinghua believed that there was certain high "matching exponent" between urbanization factors in the middle and late Ming Dynasty and Jiangnan culture, and the interaction of urbanization advancement and regional culture were changing the main body structure and the energetic ecology of each social stratum including citizen, also determined the evolution of cultural thoughts and the new changes of poems and prose in a great extent. Zhu Yi'ning considered that the Jiangnan urban cultural spiritual modality had been already formed initially before the Tang dynasty which could be conclude that the early urban culture taking the city as the core, the scholars and personages in carriage trade as the carrier, the regional political power as the support, the highly esthetical life style and spiritual state as the characteristics, and which were the original zoology mode and had constructed poetic space for another rapid development of Chinese urban civilize after Ming and Qing dynasties.
作者 朱逸宁
出处 《学术月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2008年第8期100-104,共5页 Academic Monthly
关键词 古代城市 人文阐释 学术视野 诗性 江南 早期 中国特色 资源分配 poetic humanities science, Jiangnan urbanization, the new changes of poems and prose in the Ming Dynasty, Jiankang
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