通过ADO.Net和ActiveX技术,利用Visual Basic.Net、Matlab平台进行混合编程,成功开发出能够对各类信号实现分析处理、预测仿真功能的系统软件。该系统不仅具备对存储于SQLServer2003数据库中的信号进行联合查询、绘制曲线、输出打印Word/Excel/Pdf/Htm报表等常见功能,而且具备对信号进行平稳性判断、信号模型类别识别、在线预测计算等智能高级功能。利用该系统,对青藏铁路第27个测风站实测风速信号进行建模预测。结果表明:(1)系统操作方便,可以有效减少相关研究人员的劳动强度;(2)基于VB.NET+SQLServer+Matlab软件框架设计的系统运行稳定可靠。
Through making use of ADO.Net and the ActiveX technology, Visual Basic.Net and Matlab to program mixedly, we developed a system of analysis, treatment, prediction and simulation for sampled signals. The System not only had many conventional functions such as inquiring information, drawing curve, outputting datum in Word/Excel/Pdf/Htm form for the data stored in SQL Server 2003 data-base, but also had the intelligent functions of stability judgment, model recognition and online forecast simulation. It was used the System to make a model forecast wind speed signals gathered by the 27th meteorological station. The result showed the System was operated conveniently, which reduced effectively the labor strength of related researchers. The System which based on the software frame of VB.net, SQL server and Matlab ran steadily and reliably.
Railway Computer Application