
技术创新中的知识流分析 被引量:2

Analysis of Knowledge Flow in Technology Innovation
摘要 技术创新是一项复杂的工程,它的成功实施有赖于合理的知识流。本文在分析知识流的内涵、结构、分类和性质的基础上,刻画了技术创新知识流的层次,构建了技术创新知识流的结构模式和基于知识流的技术创新模式,并详细论述了推动技术创新过程中知识流动的手段。 Technology innovation is a complicated project, it depends on the successful implementation of reasonable knowledge flow. Based on the analysis of meaning, structure, classification and nature of the knowledge flow, the level of knowledge flow in technology innovation was characterized. Then the knowledge flow structure patterns in technology innovation and technology innovation model which is based on knowledge flow was constructed. Finally, the flow of knowledge means in technology innovation was detailed.
作者 周敏 李建华
出处 《现代情报》 北大核心 2008年第8期142-144,共3页 Journal of Modern Information
关键词 技术创新 知识 知识流 teclmology innovation knowledge knowledge flow
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