

Two Graded Proxy Threshold Signature Scheme Based on ECC
摘要 利用秘密共享的方法给出了一个基于椭圆曲线的两级门限代理签名方案。在此方案中,原始签名人将签名权力委托给一代理签名人(一级代理签名人),一级代理签名人代表原始签名人生成有效的代理签名;当一级代理签名人因为某种原因无法签字时,一级代理签名人还可将其代理签名权力委托给另一代理签名人(二级代理签名人)。另一方面,通过分配不同的门限值,各级签名部门获得不同的签名权,且从最后的签名可以看出被签文件是哪个部门签发的。为提高签名的安全性,该签名方案的设计基于椭圆曲线密码体制,和基于传统的离散对数签名方案相比效率更高。 A new two graded proxy threshold signature scheme was proposed in this paper, which uses the idea of secret sharing schemes to delegate the original signer's signing capability to the proxy signer entity, and the proxy power could be delegated to another entity when the proxy signer entity cannot sign the document on behalf of the original signer entity for some reason. On the other hand, it is efficient to make different entities have various power by giving different threshold values, and this method is very practical in the society. In order to upgrade the security, the scheme is based on ECC, which can achieve the equal level of security constituted by the scheme based on traditional discrete logarithm with lower cost.
出处 《信息工程大学学报》 2008年第3期280-284,共5页 Journal of Information Engineering University
基金 国家863计划资助项目(2007AA01Z431)
关键词 代理签名 可验证秘密共享 椭圆曲线密码体制 proxy signatures verifiable secret sharing elliptic curves cryptography
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