
武汉市某小学学生关系攻击行为调查 被引量:4

Investigation on Relational Aggression of students in a Primary School in Wuhan
摘要 目的了解武汉市某小学学生关系攻击行为状况,为心理健康教育提供依据。方法采用班级戏剧问卷及同伴提名的方法,对武汉市某小学553名学生进行测查。结果小学生关系攻击行为的年级差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),性别差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),女孩的关系攻击水平高于男孩(P<0.01)。受欢迎组、普通组男孩关系攻击水平高于被拒绝组(P<0.05),有争议组女孩关系攻击水平显著高于其他各组(P<0.05),其他各组之间的差异无统计学意义。结论对小学生关系攻击的干预应考虑到性别差异。 Objective To investigation the status of relational aggression in pupils, and to provide substantial evidences for mental health education. Methods Class Play Inventory and Peer Nomination were used to survey 553 pupils about relational aggression in a primary school. Results There was significant gender difference in scores of relational aggression, it seemed that girls were significantly more relational aggressive than boys( P〈0.01 ) , but significant grade difference was not found. Popular and normal boys got higher scores on relational aggression than rejected boys (P〈0.05) , whereas controversial girls won higher scores on relational aggression than other groups(P〈0.05) , and there was no significant differences among all other groups. Conclusion Gender difference should be taken into consideration when mental health interventions are implemented.
作者 谭雪晴
出处 《中国学校卫生》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第8期706-707,共2页 Chinese Journal of School Health
基金 湖北师范学院研究生启动基金项目(编号:2006D11)
关键词 人际关系 攻击 方差分析 学生 Interpersonal relations Aggression Analysis of variance Students
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