介绍了使用DIV+CSS进行网页设计的应用实例。首先讨论了DIV+CSS模式的原理和表现与内容相分离等主要特点,研究了CSS的id选择器、类别选择器、群选择器及派生选择器等关键技术,介绍了网页布局的盒子模型,然后给出了使用该方法的网页设计应用实例:三栏式布局,ul/li列表,动态链接,图片背景,图文混排等,最后介绍了Dreamweaver CS3的一些新功能。
This paper introduces an example of web page design based on DIV+ CSS. The paper discusses principle, main characteristics and key technologies of the DIV+CSS. And a box model of web page layout is introduced and practical examples of web page design with this method are given. Some new features of Dreamweaver CS3 are introduced in the paper.
Computer Development & Applications