Xia Zengyou's Zhongguo gudai Shi was regarded as one of the major historical works written in the 20th century China.This book was originally a secondary history textbook published in late Qing and was upgraded,though making no revision at all,to be a history reference book for university students in the 1930's.The significance of this book on the development of modern Chinese historiography has been discussed widely since the second half of the last century.However,as a history textbook for secondary students,the influence that Xia's book had on the young learners of the first two decades of the last century has not received adequate investigation.In fact,this book had a good selling record at that time and should have certain degree of,if not great,influence on young history learners.Some key academics like Qian Xuantong,Qian Mu and Gu Jiegang read Zhongguo Gudai Shi in their young ages,and learned from this book,one way or another,the basic knowledge of Gouxue,the mythical history of ancient China,the new way of looking at the ancient Chinese history,and the methods of compiling history.These academics had outstanding scholarly achievement,particularly in the study of history,which could be,to a certain extent,considered as the result of the fact that they had been enlightened by this history textbook when they were young.
Jinan Journal(Philosophy and Social Sciences)