

Theory of Monopoly Effectiveness
摘要 只要不是通过超经济强制,通过纯粹经济活动产生的垄断(包括独家垄断、寡头垄断、垄断竞争),都是既合乎正义又具有经济效率的,可简称为"垄断有效"。既然垄断有效,就应该维护"垄断者主权"并认可垄断利润。"反垄断"应只反对由超经济强制生成的各种垄断。在平等自由的经济活动中形成的自由竞争、独家垄断、寡头垄断、垄断竞争,这四种市场形式各自形成的产量和价格,都是既合乎正义又具有最高经济效率的均衡产量和均衡价格,应当如同维护消费者主权一样等价地维护纯粹经济活动中的各种垄断者主权。对由纯粹经济活动派生的各种垄断,实行"反对"、"管制"和"以政府经营取代"都是有害无益的"逆帕累托改进"。政府的政策应当是,第一,充分保护由纯粹经济活动派生的所有独家垄断、寡头垄断和垄断竞争,并充分保护每一个垄断者的垄断者主权。第二,坚决取缔任何以超经济强制(包括欺行霸市、欺诈、官商勾结等)为特征的无效垄断。第三,鼓励充分自由竞争。如此三管齐下,则任何产品之产量与价格,都必然收敛于资源配置最优之均衡点。 The monopoly, including exclusive monopoly, oligopoly, monopolistic competition, caused by pure economic activities, not by supra -economic means of coercion, can be of justice and economic effectiveness. It is called briefly "monopoly effectiveness". Since the monopoly is effective, the monopolist~ rights shall be defended as well as the monopoly profits be approved. Thus, anti -monopoly ought to be confined to the ob- jections to the kinds of monopoly caused by supra - economic coercion. Free competition, exclusive monopoly, oligopoly and monopolistic competition formed in the equal and free economic activities are all fair and economically effective. At the same time, the output and prices are the equilibrium output and prices with the highest economic efficiency. The monopolist's rights in the pure economic activities shall be equally defended like consumer rights. The objection, restraint and replacement by governmental operation, taken to oppose the monopoly formed in pure economic activities, can be the anti -Pareto improvement without any benefit. The government policies ought to be as follows. First, all the exclusive monopoly, oligopoly and monopolistic competition shall be fully protected, and every monopolist's rights as well. Secondly, the ineffective monopoly characterized by supraeconomic coercion, including to bully and swindle others in the same trade and officials and businessmen collaborated, shall be firmly banned. Thirdly, free competition shall be fully encouraged at the same time. Provided that all the above measures shall be taken and be highly effective, any products' output and prices would definitely' achieve the best equilibrium levels of resources distribution.
作者 张理智
出处 《郑州航空工业管理学院学报》 2008年第4期1-6,共6页 Journal of Zhengzhou University of Aeronautics
关键词 垄断有效 垄断者主权 资源配置 正义 效率 monopoly effectiveness monopolist's rights resources distribution justice efficiency
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