
论英语中国化之荒谬性——世界英语的谱系构成与中国英语的定位问题 被引量:4

On the Absurdity of English as a National Language of China——The Family of World English and the Position of "China English"
摘要 中国英语在世界英语体系中属于外语.用国际通行的标准来判断,中国英语不是一个本土化分支;而从历史经验看,英语的本地化必然导致本国语言文化的衰败乃至消亡.因此,中国英语不应该本土化,更不能二语化或国语化. In recent years, there have been a lot of debates going on about "China English" as a new variety. Some people even suggest that "China English" be given official status either as a second language or even a national language. Drawing upon international standards for a new variety and historical evidence, this paper attempts to show that it is unwise to try localize' English in China, as it will inevitably result in the marginalization and even extinction of the Chinese language and culture.
作者 李昌银
出处 《昭通师范高等专科学校学报》 2008年第4期13-18,共6页 Journal of Zhaotong Teacher's College
关键词 英语中国化 荒谬性 中国英语 定位 absurdity China English localization
  • 相关文献


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