2Elizabeth Barham, "Translating terroi: the Global Challenge of French AOC Labe//ng", Journal of Rural Studies, Volume 19, Issue 1, January 2003, pp. 127-138, at 131.
3Justin Hughes, "The Spin'ted Debate over Geographic Indications", Law Review, Vol. XX, Number x, 2003, p.14.
4Max Allen, Sniff, Swirl, & Slurp, How to get more Pleasure out of every Glass of Wine, London, 2002, p. 24,cited from Justin Hughes, ibid.
5James E. Wilson, Terroir: The Role of Geology,Climate and Culture in the Making of French Wines, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1998, p. 55.
6Justin Hughes, "The Spirited Debate over Geographic Indications", p. 69.
7Alexis Lichine, William Fifield, Jonathan Bartlett and Jane Stockwood, Encyclopedia of Wines & Spirits, 1968, p.181, cited m Justin Hughes, "The Spirited Debate over Geographic Indications", p. 69.
8Dominique Barjolle and Erik Thevenod-Mottet, General Synthesis: Policies Evaluation, DOLPHINS WP6 Report, June 2003, p. 15.
9Norbert Olszak, Les AppeUations d" Origine et Indications de Provenance, 2001, p. 4, cited in Justin Hughes,"The Spirited Debate over Geographic Inchcations", p. 70.
10Elizabeth Barham, "Translating terroir: the Global Challenge of French AOC Labeling", p. 135.
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