
大负荷训练对大鼠骨生物力学特性影响的实验研究 被引量:4

A Study of Overload training on Biomechanics Characteristics of Bones of Rats
摘要 】实验以20只SD大鼠,进行10~30天反复长时间的跑台训练。训练后取其双侧股骨、胫骨、肱骨、尺骨为样本,拍X光片后制成测试试件,在日产万能力学实验机上做四点弯曲实验,测定其破坏能量、弹性模量、屈服载荷、最大载荷等10个生物力学参数,然后做统计学处理和比较。在本实验负荷下,大鼠的股骨、胫骨、肱骨、尺骨的各项生物力学特性都受到不同程度的影响,经历了损害和适应的过程,其中胫骨和尺骨的生物力学参数下降较股骨和肱骨出现得早且适应差,甚至有再次受到损害的表现。这与它们在机体中所处的位置特点有关。实验揭示,在X光片无应力骨折迹象的情况下,骨的生物力学特性仍有改变(P<0.05,P<0.01)。 The purpose of this experiment was designed to investigate the effects of overload training on biomechanics characteristics of bones,functional adaptation and stress lesion.20SD rats were randomly devided into 10-30days groups and were trained repeatedly on treadmill.The fresh bones of femur,tibia,humerus,ulna were taken as specimens to produce test samples after being taken plain x ray radiography,the four point bends were used to test the samples on computerized multiple function test machine for the biomechanics parameters. The results and analysis showed that under the load of this experiment the biomechanics characteristics of femur,tibia,humerus,ulna were affected differently.They underwent a process of lesion,recovery and adaptation.The biomechanics parameters of the tibia and ulna decreased earlier and adapted less than those of femur and humerus,even tibia and ulna had the repeated damaged evidence.The radiography was negative.This experiment suggested that even if there was no evidence of a fracture line or break in the continuity of bone on x ray,their biomechanics parameters were affected (P<0.01,P<0.05).
出处 《成都体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第4期71-77,共7页 Journal of Chengdu Sport University
基金 国家自然科学基金
关键词 大负荷训练 骨组织 生物力学特性 应力骨折 overload training bone tissue biomechanics characteristics stress fracture
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