通过对鲤(Cyprinus carpio)3 h急性拥挤胁迫(密度70g/L)实验,并在胁迫开始前(对照)、胁迫结束后的第0至168 h采样测量几项血液指标。实验结果显示在3 h拥挤胁迫结束之时(0 h),鲤血清皮质醇、血糖和乳酸水平均显著高于胁迫前对照值(P<0.05),而游离脂肪酸水平极显著低于对照值(P<0.01)。之后这些指标继续发生波动,但一段时间后均可恢复至对照水平并保持稳定。实验期间血清甘油三酯和胆固醇水平并未出现显著变化(P>0.05)。该结果提示3 h拥挤胁迫可引起鲤体内血清皮质醇水平及部分血液生化指标发生改变,这可能是为了弥补应激期间机体对能量需求的增大。
Common carps( Cyprinus carpio)were subjected to an acute crowding stress of 70 g/L for 3h under laboratory conditions. Blood samples were collected before stress( as control)and at 0 to168 h after stress. The results showed that just when the stress was relieved(0h) , the serum cortisol, glucose and lactate levels increased and were significantly higher than control levels(P 〈 0. 05 ), while free fatty acid level was significantly lower than control value ( P 〈 0.01 ). But these indexes could return to control values after undulation for some time, and then kept in base levels. No change in either serum cholesterol or triglycerides level was found during this study( P 〉 0. 05 ). The results indicated that acute crowding stress caused changes of cortisol level and parts of the biochemical indexes in carp serum. These changes might offset the increasing demand for energy during stress.
Freshwater Fisheries