钠碘同向转运体(Sodium Iodide Symporter,NIS)是一种内源性细胞膜蛋白质,它可以间接激活甲状腺和少数几个非甲状腺腺体(如有泌乳功能的乳腺)对碘的摄取过程。利用其分子克隆的特征,可以研究其在甲状腺病理和生理中的重要作用。类似的,超过80%的乳腺癌病人体内都表达NIS,阐明其根本机制可能将促使此类疾病在病理生理学和临床治疗方面有重大进展。在将来,可能通过两种方法达到利用131I治疗甲状腺癌及非甲状腺肿瘤的目的:一种是基于重新诱导内源性NIS基因在乳腺癌和甲状腺癌中的表达,利用肿瘤转移和去分化的机制对肿瘤进行治疗;另一种是采用NIS的新型细胞减少性的基因治疗战略。NIS基因具有独一无二的优势,即,它可以同时作为受体和治疗基因在体内发挥作用,因此,利用NIS基因转染技术,有望将131I治疗应用于其他肿瘤,并在治疗的同时对肿瘤进行显像和监视。
The sodium iodide symporter(NIS) is an intrinsic plasma membrane protein that mediates active iodide transport into the thyroid gland and several extrathyroidal tissues, in particular the lactation mammary gland. Because of the cloning characterization of NIS, its key role in thyroid pathology and physiology could be investigated. The progress would be significant if the mechanisms of NIS expression in lactating mammary gland and breast cancer are elucidated, in which more than 80% of cases express endogenous NIS. In the future, two approaches could extend the use of radioiodide treatment to thyroid cancer and nonthyroidal cancer. One is by using the main mechanisms involving tumorous transformation to treat the tumor, based on the reinducing NIS expression in thyroid and cancer. The other is based on the application of NIS as a novel cytoreductive gene therapy strategy. NIS offers the unique advantage that it can be used both as a reporter and as a therapeutic gene, so that it is possible to image, monitor, and treat the tumor with radioiodide, just as in differentiated thyroid cancer.
Journal of Isotopes