

A Thought on the Origins of the Human Civilization from the Manifestation of the Idea of Yi——A Second Study of the Origins of the Human Civilization
摘要 人类文明在什么时间、什么地点,以什么模式起源,这是学术界迄今为止尚未解决的问题。为此,笔者作了人类文明同源课题研究,提出人类文明起源模式为远古中国阴阳易学的学术观点。本课题从壮侗语支民族后裔之一壮族把"天"和"太阳"叫做"干"的语言切入,通过中国云南抚仙湖水下远古遗址所见文字符号、图案与两河流域美索不达米亚文明遗址所见文字符号、图案的比较研究,发现两地远隔千山万水,但注重阴阳易学的哲学观念是一致的。当时的易学观念主要以数字"十"和三角符号出现,普遍见于中国黄河、长江流域仰韶文化时期遗址和两河流域美索不达米亚文明遗址。在此基础上展开甲骨文、金文与两河流域楔形文字有关王权记载的比较研究,同样发现阴阳易学哲理对文字的影响很深。特别是殷商、西周时期的金文,无不蕴藏着"干"的读音分别是"太阳"和"天"的两重内涵,这种读音和语义分明是壮侗语支民族后裔之一壮族语言中的意思。这种读音有考古文物佐证和支撑,是阴阳易学在人类文明发展进程中的客观反映。在这方面,我们还可以从文献中对侗台语民族先祖建立的吴、越古国的记载中找到相关的证据。本文是课题的第二部分。 When, where and how human civilizations originated has remained unknown till now in academic world. Having engaged in researches on this field, the essay makes its points that human civilization derived from the idea of Yin-Yang Yi in ancient China. Based on "Tian" and "Taiyang" being called "Gan" by the Zhuang nationality, by comparing the characters and designs respectively found in Site of Fuxian Lake and ancient Mesopotamia, this study discovers a common stress on the philosophical idea of Yin-Yang Yi of these two sites though far apart in distance. The Yi idea at that, time, expressing in numerals and symbols as "十" and triangle was widely spread in the relics of Yangshao Culture and ancient Mesopotamia. The further comparative study on inscription on bones, Jin characters in ancient Yin and Shang, and Zhou dynasty and those formed by the arrangement of small wedge-shaped elements in ancient Mesopotamia also revealed the great impact of the Yi idea on characters. Other related evidence could be found in the literature review of the ancient Wu and Yue kingdom. This study consists of the second part of the whole research project.
作者 黄懿陆
出处 《文山师范高等专科学校学报》 2008年第3期10-14,共5页 Journal of Wenshan Teachers College
关键词 阴阳易学 苏美尔文明 抚仙湖遗址 the idea of Yin-Yang Yi Sumerian Civilization Fuxian Lake Site
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